
Developing Foundational Skills 기초과정

Applying this student-centered approach across our English Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies curriculum, our program empowers students to:

영어, 수학, 과학 및 사회교과 과정전반에 걸쳐 학생 중심 접근방식을 적용하여 Eduasi 프로그램은 학생들이 다음을 수행 할 수 있도록 지원합니다.

  • Develop strong reading comprehension and writing skills.

    강력한 독해력과 쓰기 능력을 개발합니다.

  • Learn fundamental math concepts.

    기본적인 수학개념을 배웁니다.

  • Develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

    비판적 사고와 문제 해결 기술을 개발합니다.

  • Begin exploring the wonders and principles of science.

    과학의 경이로움과 원리를 탐구하기시작합니다.

  • Learn more about the world around them.

    주변 세계에 대해 자세히 알아보세요.

Interactive resources and S.T.E.M. skills are also woven into lessons, labs, and projects to prepare students for 21st century life. Your child won’t learn technology skills in isolation, but rather they will lean how to apply these skills in life.

인터랙티브리소스 및 S.T.E.M. 기술은 또한 21세기생활을 위해 학생들을 준비 시키기 위한 수업, 실험실 및 프로젝트에 짜여져 있습니다. 자녀는 기술을 단독으로 배우지 않고 오히려 이러한 기술을 생활에 적용하는 방법을 배우게 됩니다.

The K-12 Program provides everything you need to successfully guide your child’s learning at home.

K(유치)-12(고3) 프로그램은 가정에서 자녀의 학습을 성공적으로 안내하는데 필요한 모든 것을 제공합니다.

Each grade-level includes 각 학년별 기본 설계 사항

  • Step-by-step Lessons that help you guide your child’s learning.

    자녀의 학습을 지도하는데 도움이 되는 단계별 수업

  • Easy-to-use lesson plans to keep learning on-track.

    학습을 계속 진행하기 위한 사용하기 쉬운 강의계획.

  • Classroom-tested texts and materials from leading education publishers.

    최고의 교육출판사에서 강의 실테스트를 거친 텍스트 및 자료.

  • Built-in teaching notes to aid progress and pinpoint areas for improvement.

    진행 상황을 돕고 개선해야 할 부분을 찾아내는 내장형 교육노트.

  • Calvert Teaching Navigator, an online platform that puts everything at your fingertips.

  • Calvert Teaching Navigator

    모든 것을 손으로 하는 온라인플랫폼.

  • Personal support from trained, certified teachers.

    훈련되고 인증 된 교사의 개인적인지원.

Kindergarten – 5th

  • Language Arts영어
  • Science과학
  • Social Science사회
  • Math수학

6TH – 12TH(Middle and HighSchool)

  • English 영어과목
  • English 6
  • English 7
  • English 8
  • English 9 *h
  • English 10 *h
  • English 11 *h
  • English 12 *h
  • English Foundtaions I *
  • English Foundtaions II *
  • Electives 선택 과목
  • Business Applications ^
  • College and Career Preparation I ^
  • College and Career Preparation II ^
  • Computer Applications ^
  • Creative Writing ^
  • Expository Writing ^
  • Human Resources Principles
  • Introduction to Business & Technology
  • Information Technology Application
  • Legal Environment of Business
  • Media Literacy ^
  • Personal Communication ^ *
  • Principles of Business, Marketing and Finance
  • Principles of Health Science
  • Principles of Information Technology
  • Reading Skills and Strategies ^
  • Writing Skills and Strategies ^
  • Legal Environment of Business
  • World Languages 외국어 과목
  • French I
  • French II
  • Spanish I *
  • Spanish II *
  • Spanish III
  • * Prescriptive Course
  • ^ Semester Course
  • h Honors Course
  • Science 과학 과목
  • Biology *h
  • Science 6
  • Science 7
  • Science 8
  • Science Foundations *
  • Chemistry *h
  • Chemistry in the Earth System
  • Earth Science
  • Environmental Science *
  • General Science *
  • Integrated Physics and Chemistry
  • MS Earth and Space Science
  • MS Life Science
  • MS Physical Science
  • Physical Science *
  • Physics *h
  • Physics of the Universe *
  • The Living Earth *
  • Visual and Performing Arts 예술 과목
  • Music Appreciation
  • Art Appreciation ^
  • Social Sciences 사회 과목
  • Economics * ^
  • Economics and Personal Finance
  • Ethnic Studies ^
  • Geography and World Cultures ^
  • Modern World History from 1450 *
  • Modern World History from 1600 *
  • MS Civics
  • MS Contemporary World
  • MS U.S. History
  • MS World History
  • Multicultural Studies ^
  • Psychology. ^
  • U.S. Government and Politics *h
  • U.S. History *h
  • U.S. History since the Civil War *
  • U.S. History to the Civil War *
  • United States History and Geography *
  • World History *h
  • World History to the Renaissance
  • World History, Culture and Geography *
  • Math 수학 과목
  • Algebra I *h
  • Algebra I-A
  • Algebra I-B
  • Algebra II *h
  • Bridge Math
  • Consumer Math ^
  • Financial Algebra
  • Financial Literacy ^
  • Fundamental Math
  • General Math *
  • Geometry *h
  • Introductory Algebra
  • Liberal Arts Mathematics 1
  • Liberal Arts Mathematics 2
  • Math 6
  • Math 7
  • Math 8
  • Math Foundations I *
  • Math Foundations II *
  • Math Foundations III *
  • Mathematics of Personal Finance
  • Precalculus h
  • Probability and Statistics
  • Math for College Readiness
  • Remedial Math
  • Accounting I
  • Accounting II
  • Physical Education / Health 체육/보건 과목
  • Health * ^
  • HOPE - Physical Education
  • Physical Education ^
  • Nutrition ^
  • Strength Training ^
  • Anatomy ^ (coming soon)
  • Running ^
  • Walking Fitness ^
  • Flexibility ^
  • Lifetime and Leisure Sports ^
  • Middle School Fitness 1 & 2 ^